Course Duration
2 Years
Examination Board
Entry Criteria
Grade 6 in an Humanities GCSE; Grade 4 in both English and Maths GCSEs; and at least 3 other qualifications at grade 4 or above.
Course Duration
2 Years
Examination Board
Entry Criteria
Grade 6 in an Humanities GCSE; Grade 4 in both English and Maths GCSEs; and at least 3 other qualifications at grade 4 or above.
The aims of the geography course at SL and HL are to enable students to:
Core content
Geographic perspectives – global change
Global perspectives – global interactions
Options for Geographical Themes
Paper 2 (25%), Total 90 minutes, Total 50 marks
Paper 1 (35%), 45 minutes per option question Total 1 hour 30 minutes, Total 40 marks
Paper 3 (20% of total grade):