Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-23

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This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2022 – 23 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

Funding overview:

  • Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year – £130,020
  • Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year – £25,944
  • Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years – £0
  • Total budget for this academic year – £155,964
  • Number of pupils in school: 480
  • Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils (Yr 7-11): 30.84%
  • Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils (Whole school): 27.5%

Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (2022-23)

  • Date this statement was published: November 2022
  • Date on which it will be reviewed: August 2023
  • Statement authorised by: Michael Crow
  • Pupil premium lead: Jenny Gray
  • Governor / Trustee lead: Mark Scholey

Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

Our intention is that at the Hayesbrook Academy, pupils irrespective of their background, make good progress and can access and achieve across the curriculum particularly in EBacc subjects. We recognise that disadvantaged pupils face a number of challenges inside and outside of the classroom.  Recognising that external challenges can be a barrier to learning means that our plan details how we will use our pastoral and attendance systems to work with families and outside agencies.

High- quality teaching, supported by established school routines associated with a full curriculum delivery are at the heart of supporting the disadvantaged in school.  High expectations on using QFT in the classroom will not only support the closing of the disadvantaged gap but will in addition benefit the non- disadvantaged in our school.

In order that all pupils including the disadvantaged can access the curriculum we continue to focus on literacy with whole school strategies for all in addition to intervention for those students with a reading age significantly below their chronological age.


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

  1. Some pupils may not be working at an age related level and have conceptual gaps or expectations
  2. A higher number of pupil premium students have identified, and at the point of entry to the school unidentified special educational needs.
  3. Some students have complex external barriers to consistent attendance and punctuality
  4. The number of disadvantaged pupils opting to study a language at GCSE.
  5. The reading age of disadvantaged students on entry is generally lower than that of their peers.
  6. Internet access at home for some pupils is limited impacting their ability to complete homework.
  7. Attainment of disadvantaged pupils in science and maths is generally lower than that of their peers.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended Outcome

Success Criteria

Progress 8

 To achieve 0.0

Attainment 8

To have a gap of less than 7

Percentage of Grade 5+ in English and Maths

Gap to be smaller than 1.3

Close the gap in attainment in maths and science

Progress of disadvantaged to be inline with non-disadvantaged

Reading Ages for disadvantaged pupils to improved allowing for better access to all areas of the curriculum

For all disadvantaged students to have a reading age no less than one year below their chronological age.

Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.


For example, CPD, recruitment and retention.

Budgeted cost: £60,500

Evidence that supports this approach

The DfE Code of Practice (2015) states “High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of children and young people.

All teaching staff have paid membership of the Chartered College. Departments have paid membership of their relevant professional association. All staff have access to National College resources and Walkthru teaching CPD resources. All staff have a CPD book allowance and suggested reading lists to select from.

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 and 2

Evidence that supports this approach

Increased SENDCo capacity will strengthen the focus on tailored programmes to support students inside the classroom and provide bespoke interventions where necessary. 

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 & 2

Evidence that supports this approach

Teaching assistants will be used to support students with EAL, a low reading age and students who have trouble completing their homework independently.

Challenge number(s) addressed


Targeted academic support

For example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions.

Budgeted cost: £42,253

Evidence that supports this approach

Language and literacy provide us with the building blocks not just for academic success, but for fulfilling careers and rewarding lives.  (Education Endowment Fund)

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 & 5

Evidence that supports this approach

EEF states the following :

Some pupils may require additional support alongside high-quality teaching in order to make good progress. The evidence indicates that small group and one to one interventions can be a powerful tool for supporting these pupils when they are used carefully.

Challenge number(s) addressed


Evidence that supports this approach

The ability to read and write with confidence impacts all aspects of a child’s academic, social and personal development, from the early years right through to graduation and beyond.

Therefore, it is our mission to support students on their personal literacy and learning journeys through innovative technology that can help them read, write and express their thoughts with clarity and confidence. In doing so, we can unlock everyone’s full potential.

Wider strategies

For example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing.

Budgeted cost: £53,211

Evidence that supports this approach

The evidence shows that providing a healthy school breakfast at the start of the school day can contribute to improved readiness to learn, increased concentration, and improved wellbeing and behaviour. (GOV.UK 2021)

Challenge number(s) addressed


Implementation of Academy’s new attendance strategy that means every pupil that is absent receives a telephone call, not just a text.  Weekly attendance meetings with the college teams and Attendance Manager mean that students needs and challenges are met and supported without delay, reducing the number of students with PA, in addition to improving whole school attendance

Evidence that supports this approach

Evidence from a  Department of Education study illustrates a strong correlation between school attendance and GCSE success.   A child that averages 80% attendance during their secondary school year effectively misses one whole year of education and significantly reduces their chances of making expected progress

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 & 3

Evidence that supports this approach

It is imperative that students can access the online resources uploaded as homework.

Challenge number(s) addressed

1,2,3 & 6

  • Staff mental health training
  • External counsellors

Evidence that supports this approach

EEF Toolkit suggests that targeted interventions matched to specific students with particular needs or behavioural issues can be effective, especially for older pupils. 1, 4 8 EEF Toolkit: Social/emotional learning (+4 months). The current statistics around mental health show that 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year (mind.org).

Evidence that supports this approach

Extra-curricular activities are considered valuable life experiences that should be open to all young people, regardless of background or where they happen to live. Activities such as being a member of a sports team, learning a musical instrument, or attending a local youth group are thought to be enriching life experiences. Apart from their inherent value, it is often claimed that young people can also develop positive tangible outcomes from these experiences of interacting and working with others through organised extra-curricular activities, which could benefit them in later life.

Total budgeted cost: £155, 964


Education Endowment Fund – Guide to supporting Pupil Premium Autumn 2021

Part B: Review of the previous academic year

Outcomes for disadvantaged pupils

There were 17 Pupil Premium students in the 2022 Year 11 cohort (out of 83 students). 

P8 Score for PP students was -0.31 (compared to the whole cohort average of +0.25). 

A8 outcomes for PP students was 34.5 (compared to a whole cohort average of 47.8). 

Whilst there is clearly a substantial gap between the outcomes of disadvantaged students and non-disadvantaged students, it should be noted that this gap has decreased since 2019. It should also be noted that the national average for disadvantaged students is -0.55 so our students (all boys) are outperforming their disadvantaged peers nationally. 

If last year marked the end of a previous pupil premium strategy plan, you should set out your assessment of how successfully the intended outcomes of that plan were met.