Postcards will be periodically sent for recognition of outstanding achievement.
Year 7 and Year 8s are awarded for learner attributes within each of the MYP disciplines (language acquisition, language and literature, individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics, arts, physical and health education, and design).
Star of the Week
Every week, a student is selected by their Director of Progress to achieve the star of the week. That student is recognised in their weekly college assembly.
Golden Ticket
Each module staff member is given a Golden Ticket to hand to a pupil for exceptional work or attitude to learning. The Golden Ticket is a direct opportunity to celebrate the recognition with the Principal.
Staff will identify students weekly for recognition in assemblies. These will be shared with all students in assemblies at the beginning of the weekly focus.
College Certificates of Excellence
Three times a year, each Director of Progress will host a celebration assembly for students and parents to publicly celebrate their students’ achievements. This includes, but is not limited to, certificated awards for attendance, attainment in subject, progress in subject, form tutor, student manager, Director of Progress awards and Head of College awards.
Reward Trips and Activities
Co-curricular activities, college competitions, Academy events and trips will provide opportunities for pupils to be rewarded via the Bromcom point system and be rewarded with further events and trips.