Students should be on the academy premises no later than 8.40am. The academy day starts at 8.45am, and we expect students to be settled with their form tutors or assembly promptly to encourage a calm and responsive start to lessons. 

We wish for every pupil to aim for 100% attendance. Every 2 days a pupil is absent reduces their attendance by 1%. There is a direct correlation between high attendance and high academic attainment.

Children are required by law to attend school 190 days per year. The Government states that every pupil’s attendance should be at least 95%. For pupils and parents this can be translated into the following missed learning time.

Absence – Informing the Academy

Call the academy on 01732 500600 and choose option 1 to leave a message regarding any absence, or email – this will then be sent to directly to our Attendance & Inclusion Manager)

  • 95% – 9 days absent (approx. 2 weeks) which means 54 lessons are missed
  • 90% – 19 days absent (approx. 4 weeks) which means 114 lessons are missed
  • 85% – 29 days absent (approx. 6 weeks) which means 174 lessons are missed
  • 80% – 38 days absent (approx. 8 weeks) which means 228 lessons are missed
  • 75% – 48 days absent (approx. 10 weeks) which means 288 lessons are missed
  • 70% – 57 days absent (approx. 11.5 weeks) which means 342 lessons are missed
  • 65% – 67 days absent (approx. 13.5 weeks) which means 402 lessons are missed

90% attendance sounds quite positive until it is viewed like this. We want to make every lesson count, please help us to do just that by aiming for a high percentage attendance.

Attendance FAQs

Excellent attendance is classified as attendance above 98%.

Good attendance is classified as attendance between 95% to 98%; Each student should aim for attendance above 100%.

Absences must be reported by calling 01732 500600 and choosing Option 1 (student absences) to leave a recorded voicemail. Alternatively, absences can be reported by emailing Mr Hines on When reporting an absence please ensure you clearly state your child’s name, year group and reason for absence.

An appropriate reason for your child’s absence includes being too unwell to attend school, please refer to the NHS guidance on ‘Is my child too ill for school?’. Please be aware, the guidance urges parents to send their child to school in the case of coughs, colds and sore throats. 

It is also appropriate for a child to be absent due to religious observance, as well as other exceptional circumstances which have been given Mr Crow’s permission (eg. the funeral of a close family member).

Please report absences by 9:00 am at the latest. 

It is necessary to report each day of absence until your child returns back to school. 

Unless advised by a medical practitioner the academy will not request 48 hours clear of symptoms such as sickness and diarrhoea if the student feels well enough to attend.

Children are no longer required to do a Covid-19 lateral flow test. However, if you choose to test your child they should be present in school unless they have a high temperature or do not feel well enough to do their normal activities. Furthermore, the NHS states that “if your child has mild symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight cough and feels well enough, they can go to school.”

Students need to have passed through the front gate at 8:40 am each morning in order to be ready for the 8:45 am lineup on the playground. Students are given one warning for lateness each module and each late instance following this will result in a centralised detention.

Medical evidence for absence relating to physical or mental health are required for every absence after the fifth day of absence in the academic year. Medical evidence can be any of the following: GP appointment card, photograph of a prescription, direct letter from the GP to LATon or a diagnosis letter. Please send any medical evidence to

Unauthorised absences are often given when too many absences are taken without medical evidence or an absence which was not agreed prior to the date of absence. Unauthorised absences can be given for absences for which the reason of the absence is unclear or undetailed. When students begin to receive multiple unauthorised absences we will send letters home to make parents aware of this; we may also invite parents to the Academy to discuss the barriers to attendance.

We would ask that parents try to get appointments outside of school hours. However, if this is not possible then any appointment taken within school hours must be accompanied by one of the forms of medical evidence in order for us to be able to authorise the absence.

No, if a child is taken out of school during term-time for a holiday then this is likely to result in a Fixed Penalty Notice by the Kent County Council for a child’s non-attendance. Fixed Penalty Notices are £60, rising to £120 if they are not paid after 21 days. 

If a parent does not ensure the regular attendance of their child then they could be guilty of an offence under section 444, Education Act 1996.

Students below 90% attendance are categorised as being ‘persistently absent’. Research suggests that students who miss 17 days during the academic year are likely to get one grade less than they would have achieved had they attended regularly. The table below shows a running total of the number of days off each Module to cause persistent absenteeism.


Module 1

3 ½ days off school from September until October half-term holiday will make your child a PA student.

Modules 1-2

7 days off school from September until the Christmas holiday will make your child a PA student.

Modules 1-3

10 days of absence from September until February half-term will make your child a PA student.

Modules 1-4

12 ½ days of absence from September until the Easter holidays will make your child a PA student.

Modules 1-5

15 ½ days of absence from September until May half-term will make your child a PA student.

Modules 1-6

19 days of absence for the full academic year (September to end of summer term in July) will make your child a PA student.

If a student is below 90% attendance then parents will have received letters informing of low attendance as well as the impact and consequences of low attendance. Should there be no improvement following this, we will invite parents to the Academy in order to discuss the barriers to attendance and see what support we can put in place to break any barriers. If attendance continues to decline, despite agreed actions from the meeting being put into place, then we would ask for support from Loveday Potter at Kent County Council in order to identify whether there is anything we are missing in the way of support. On the rare occasion that attendance still falls despite the support being provided, then we would make an AS1 Statutory Referral to Kent County Council.

Absence Procedures

If a student is absent from the academy, parents/carers should:

  • Telephone the academy as soon as possible or by 9am on the first day of absence with an update every day if the absence is ongoing.
  • Provide the academy with any supporting medical evidence if the absence is likely to continue.
  • Unless advised by a medical practitioner the academy will not request 48 hours clear of symptoms such as sickness and diarrhoea if the student feels well enough to attend.

It is a parent/carer’s responsibility to contact the academy to inform of any absence to support the safeguarding and welfare of all students. If a student is absent we will:

  • Text or telephone to request information from parents/carers if we have not received a valid reason for the absence;
  • Invite parents/carers in to the academy to discuss the situation with the Attendance Officer/ Student Manager or Director of Progress if the absences persists.
  • Refer the matter to the Local Authority Attendance Service. 
  • From September 2013 the Department for Education have amended the Pupil Registration Regulations, removing the Principal’s ability to authorise leave of absence for the purpose of a family holiday.

Requests for holidays in term time will not be authorised

The Principal may authorise absence in ‘exceptional circumstances’ but this must be requested in advance and agreement to each request is at the discretion of the Principal, acting on behalf of the Governing Body (Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006). Each case will be judged on its merits and the Principal’s decision is final. Once the decision not to authorise leave is taken, it cannot be authorised retrospectively.

If the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken anyway, the case will be referred to the Attendance Service who will issue a Penalty Notice to each parent for each child taken out of school.