The KCC 16+ Travel Saver is a bus pass which can provide parents and students a considerable saving on the cost of bus travel to and from school.
Application details and costs can be obtained directly via the Kent County Council website.
For most students, this pass will save you around 50% of what you might pay if you bought an annual season ticket from a bus operator.
The KCC 16+ Travel Saver is valid at any time of the day and on any day of the year, including evenings, weekends and school holidays.
What does it cost?
The pass is £600 for the year. This can be paid as a lump sum or as instalments. Please note a £10 administration fee applies to those applications paying by instalments.
How do I apply?
If you fulfil the eligibility criteria and wish to apply for the KCC 16+ Travel Saver Card you can apply online directly via the Kent County Council website.