Maths is one of the best subjects to develop your analytical, research and problem solving skills. Not only will maths give you the knowledge to tackle scientific, mechanical, coding and abstract problems, it will also help you develop logic to tackle everyday issues like planning projects, managing budgets and even debating effectively.

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Our goal is confident, happy children who enjoy mathematics and think independently. We aim for Leigh Academy Tonbridge students to achieve the confidence to use mathematics in everyday life, solve problems, and think logically, leaving school with the qualifications needed for their next stage in life.

Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum and is adapted from the White Rose Maths Scheme. We are working towards a shared understanding of the curriculum through teachers discussing and refining both the sequence of concepts and the details of lessons. 

  • Module 1: Algebraic Thinking
    Sequences, use and understand algebraic notation and equality & equivalence
  • Module 2: Place Value and Proportion
    Place Value & ordering integers and decimals and Fraction, decimal & percentage equivalence
  • Module 3: Applications of Number
    Solving problems with addition, subtraction, multiplication & division and fractions & percentages of amounts
  • Module 4: Directed Number and Fractional Thinking
    Operations and equations with directed number and addition & subtraction of fractions
  • Module 5: Lines and Angles
    Constructing, measuring & using geometric notation and developing geometric reasoning
  • Module 6: Reasoning with Number
    Developing number sense, sets & probability and prime numbers & proof
  • Module 1: Proportional Reasoning
    Ratio & scale, multiplicative change and multiplying & dividing fractions
  • Module 2: Representations
    Working in the Cartesian plane, representing data and tables & probability
  • Module 3: Algebraic Techniques
    Brackets, equations & inequalities, sequences and indices
  • Module 4: Developing Number
    Fractions & percentages, standard index form and number sense
  • Module 5: Developing Geometry
    Angles in parallel lines & polygons, area of trapezia & circles and line symmetry & reflection
  • Module 6: Reasoning with Data
    The data handling cycle and measures of location
  • Module 1: Reasoning with Algebra
    Straight line graphs and forming & solving equations
  • Module 2: Constructing in 2 and 3 Dimensions
    Three dimensional shapes and constructions & congruency
  • Module 3: Reasoning with Number
    Numbers, using percentages and maths & money
  • Module 4: Reasoning with Geometry
    deduction, rotation & translation and Pythagoras’ Theorem
  • Module 5: Reasoning with proportion
    Enlargement & similarity, solving ratio & proportion problems and rates
  • Module 6: Representations
    Probability and algebraic representation
  • Module 1: Similarity
    Congruence, similarity & enlargement and trigonometry
  • Module 2: Developing algebra
    Representing solutions of equations & inequalities and simultaneous equations
  • Module 3: Geometry
    Angles & bearings, working with circles and vectors
  • Module 4: Proportions and proportional change
    Ratios & fractions, percentages & interest and probability
  • Module 5: Delving into Data
    Collecting, representing & interpreting data
  • Module 6: Using number
    Non-calculator methods, types of number & sequences, indices & roots and manipulating expressions
  • Module 1: Similarity
    Congruence, similarity & enlargement and trigonometry
  • Module 2: Developing algebra
    Representing solutions of equations & inequalities and simultaneous equations
  • Module 3: Geometry
    Angles & bearings, working with circles and vectors
  • Module 4: Proportions and proportional change
    Ratios & fractions, percentages & interest and probability
  • Module 5: Delving into Data
    Collecting, representing & interpreting data
  • Module 6: Using number
    Non-calculator methods, types of number & sequences, indices & roots and manipulating expressions
  • Module 1: Graphs
    Gradients and lines, non-linear graphs and using graphs
  • Module 2: Algebra
    Expanding & factorising, changing the subject and functions
  • Module 3: Reasoning
    Multiplicative reasoning, geometric reasoning and algebraic reasoning
  • Module 4: Communication
    Transforming & constructing, listing & describing and show that…
  • Modules 5-6: Examinations
  • Module 1: Graphs
    Gradients and lines, non-linear graphs and using graphs
  • Module 2: Algebra
    Expanding & factorising, changing the subject and functions
  • Module 3: Reasoning
    Multiplicative reasoning, geometric reasoning and algebraic reasoning
  • Module 4: Communication
    Transforming & constructing, listing & describing and show that…
  • Modules 5-6: Examinations
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The important thing to remember about mathematics is not to be frightened.
Richard Dawkins