We recognise that keeping our students safe and promoting their wellbeing is of paramount importance. This includes issues as diverse as anti-bullying, photos of students, first aid, internet safety, safeguarding, interview screening for new staff and healthy eating.

We keep our academy site safe and undergo regular maintenance checks and risk assessments for activities both on and off the academy site. There are clear procedures which are followed and quality assured by Trust staff. Our curriculum includes opportunities for students to become equipped with the skills they need to live healthy lives and to develop realistic attitudes to the responsibilities of adult life.

We recognise that self-esteem, confidence, supportive friends and clear lines of communication with a trusted adult helps all of our students. We therefore aim to maintain an ethos where our students feel secure and are encouraged to talk and are listened to. Students know that there are adults in the academy who they can approach if they are worried or are in difficulty, and all our staff, both teaching and non-teaching, have up-to-date safeguarding training.

Displays around the academy direct students to different avenues of support for different needs and our transition process is paramount in introducing students that join Leigh Academy Tonbridge in Year 7 about how to find support if they need it through our Small School Model. We work with a variety of outside agencies to support students safeguarding needs and we have access to trained counsellors through Place2Be. All of this is underpinned by form tutors, student managers, Directors of Progress and the senior leadership team who are trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads with safeguarding responsibility.

Part of our duty as adults is to protect young people from abuse and neglect. We have a designated Child Protection Team who liaise with outside agencies and families in such situations. Further details can be found by reading our Safeguarding Policy on our Policies & Documents page here.  

Secondary School is a place where children start to learn to become adults. At Leigh Academy Tonbridge they can experience that transition in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment.  Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is also our designated person for looked after children and online safety.

Online safety portal

Pupils should be directed towards the button below should they wish to report a ‘worry’ online.

Safeguarding at Leigh Academy Tonbridge

  • We know what our roles and responsibilities are to keep you safe.
  • We take all allegations, suspicions and concerns seriously and report them properly.
  • We talk to other people about any concerns to develop the best way to help you.
  • We complete risk assessments to ensure that all potential dangers in learning activities have been identified.
  • We have assemblies, lessons and action days where we learn about safeguarding such as online safety, sexual harassment and violence and anti-bullying.
  • We treat everyone fairly with dignity and respect.
  • All adults will listen to what you have to say with an open mind.
  • Adults will not ask leading questions so that you have to reveal more details.
  • If they are worried about your safety, they might invite another professional to talk to you.
  • Adults will never stop you from freely talking or sharing about significant events
  • Adults will ensure that all concerns are recorded.
  • Adults will not promise to keep secrets.
  • They will explain that they have a responsibility to report what has been said to someone else if they are worried about your safety.
  • All adults will immediately tell the Safeguarding Team if they are worried about your safety.
  • Speak to an adult at school if you are worried about something, it could be a teacher, your tutor, your Director of Progress, your Small School Manager or one of the Safeguarding Team.
  • Be aware that you are not alone and that people will always help you.
  • Be aware that there are lots of support services available.

Worried about a child?

If you believe that a child or young person is at IMMEDIATE risk, you should treat this as an emergency and call the academy, or call 999 to report your concerns to the police.

If you are a pupil, and you want to report a concern then please email Mrs Jolliffe (alison.jolliffe@latonbridge.org.uk) for Lyceum College, Mrs Gray (jenny.gray@latonbridge.org.uk) for Delphi College, Mr Fuller (luke.fuller@latonbridge.org.uk) for Olympia and Mr Bidder (patrick.bidder@latonbridge.org.uk) for Sixth Form.

Alternatively please contact Shout (or text 85258) or Kooth. Both resources have been used by other Leigh Academy Tonbridge students, and they have fed back that they are really helpful. Both provide you with a chance to text rather than talk at the first instance, and they have volunteers who can provide support to help with depression, anxiety, abuse, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, relationships problems and bullying.

The key Safeguarding staff for Leigh Academy Tonbridge are identified below and can be contacted on 01732 500600.

Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding Lead Mrs E Elwin, LAT

Principal Mr M Crow

Designated Safeguarding Lead  Mr L Fuller

SENCO Mrs S Waight

Safeguarding Governor Mr M Scholey

Delphi College

Worry Button

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs J Gray, Head of Delphi College

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr B Racher, Assistant Head of Delphi College

Director of Progress
Mr D Roberts

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms R Nugent, Student Support Manager (KS3)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs L Christmas, Student Support Manager (KS4)

Lyceum College

Worry Button

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs A Jolliffe, Head of Lyceum College

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs L Elstone, Assistant Head of Lyceum College

Director of Progress
Mrs V Sage

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs J Finch, Student Support Manager (KS4)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs A Brewer, Student Support Manager (KS3)

Olympia College

Worry Button

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr L Fuller, Head of Olympia College

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr P Bidder, Assistant Head of Lyceum College

Director of Progress
Mrs P Brindley

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms S Molyneux, Student Support Manager (KS4)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs F Concannon, Student Support Manager (KS3)

Sixth Form

Worry Button

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr P Bidder, Assistant Principal

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs L Hubbard, Director of Post-16